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A Siren’s Melody: Love and Family Book Two Page 21

  “You will suffer in his absence,” Philip said.

  Russell pushed her back and stood up with wobbly legs. She could offer him her aid, but he needed to feel independent at that moment. He needed to appear strong before the others. She respected him too much to make him feel like a cripple.

  Russell stood straight and met the stare of the man who once saved him. Philip would never know about him, but he would always respect him for saving him that night. He did not need sympathy from someone who was now his father-in-law. He wanted to prove to him his loyalty towards Isabella without gaining sympathy votes in advance.

  “He has suffered for me all his life,” Russell said. “It is time I return the favor. He needs to find his own place in this world.”

  Russell saw a look of pride on Philip’s face. He respected Russell’s decision. Russell was sacrificing his own happiness for his brother without letting Shane know of his intentions. Shane will probably never return, thinking his brother hated him for what he did, but Russell was happy with his decision because he knew he was doing this for his brother’s bright future.

  “Where will we go after this?” Isabella asked, pulling at his sleeve.

  He saw a horrified expression on his wife’s face. He never got the chance to disclose his plans for their future with her. She was not aware that he had already purchased a house of his own.

  “Stay with us,” Elliot interjected before he could say anything.

  He appreciated the sentiment, but Elliot would never realize the amount of effort it would take for him to forget his brother and staying where the whole place was filled with memories of his brother was more than he could handle. Every person in Elliot’s household was familiar with his brother and held some sort of memories in one way or another. If he stayed for a long time in this place, his grief and his brother’s memories would suffocate him.

  “Tempting as it may sound, Elliot,” Russell said. “I cannot live in any place where my brother used to stay with me. A man can take only a certain amount of pain.”

  Elliot looked away guiltily, realizing the error in his own offer. If anyone understood what he was going through, it was Elliot. He had seen them together since they were children. Elliot understood the depth of his love for his brother.

  He turned back towards Isabella and held her face in his hands. He saw the fear in her eyes and inwardly braced himself for her reaction at the news he was about to deliver.

  “I have purchased a small house in Manchester,” he said softly. It is not as grand as this one or the one you used to live in, but I hope you like it.”

  Tears started to flow down her face and his heart fell. He thought she did not like the idea of living in a small house, but then she pulled him towards her and kissed him on his lips. At first, he was confused, but then he responded to her kiss.

  He felt her love and understanding in that kiss, so he conveyed his own feelings in the same kiss. When they broke apart, he saw a radiant smile across her face, and he sighed in relief.

  “As long as you are with me, Russell,” she said. “I can live under an open sky.”

  His heart filled with pride and love. This was the reason he loved this woman with all his heart. She was ready to follow him anywhere without complaining. This was the woman he wanted to raise his children.

  * * *

  They left in a hired carriage, along with a number of gifts from both families, for their new home, leaving behind many tear-stained faces. Isabella was thrilled to start a new beginning with a man who belonged to her. There was no doubt in her mind about his loyalty towards her. His eyes shone only for her and nobody else. She was the only woman he desired.

  When they entered their new home, she fell in love with the place instantly. It was not a huge house, but the feeling of warmth that was associated with places that welcome you with open arms was in abundance.

  “Do you like it?” he asked from behind her.

  Her house had three rooms and a small garden in the front. This was the place where she would raise her children and tell them stories about their brave father and uncle. Her children would know about Shane and he would never be forgotten.

  “It is lovely,” she said.

  She smiled and the tension was lifted off his shoulders. He was dreading her reaction after entering their new home. She might have promised to live with him under open skies, but he wanted to see for himself. Standing in their house at that moment made him realize just how lucky he was.

  He took the few steps that were separating them and kissed her hard on her mouth. His tongue entered her mouth and she moaned against his lips, which made him hard for his new wife. This woman could pique his lust with a single melody of desire.

  “Undress for me,” he said against her mouth, breathing hard.

  They were alone in their house and he intended to take full advantage of that before the few servants whom he had hired, arrived the next day. She was his for the whole day without the fear of interruptions.

  “Help me undress,” she said seductively. “There is no maid to assist me.”

  He turned her around in his arms in one quick motion. She leaned back and rubbed herself against his hardening member, tormenting him and making the simple task of undressing her more difficult. He groaned and gave up opening her complicated laces and ripped the dress in half, making her gasp. He shredded the dress into small pieces until she was left before him in all her naked glory.

  He took her down to the floor and started a trail of kisses from her shoulder blades all the way to her rounded globes. She moaned and writhed beneath his expert mouth while he pushed her towards insanity with small kisses and bites on her buttocks.

  “Russell, if you make me wait this time, I will make you regret it for a very long time,” she warned.

  He chuckled at her eagerness and swatted her bottom playfully while she groaned again. He sat back and pushed a finger inside her quim, making her moan in pleasure. He fingered her on the floor, placing his other hand on her back to keep her down and made her scream his name until her voice had gone hoarse.

  “Would you still make me regret my actions, my siren?” he asked.

  She turned around to face him with a sated expression on her face. There was no need for verbal approval from her for his accomplishments because her expression said it all.

  He disrobed slowly, giving her a show and making her hot and ready for him again. Her breath hitched and her hand reached to her cunny of its own accord as he presented her with his body. By the time he was finished undressing, she was touching herself between her legs with one hand while her other hand was pinching the tips of her breast.

  “None of that, my siren,” he said, holding her hands above her head. “This time I want to feel your release against my member.”

  She was not happy with the way he held her captive, refusing her the release she was so close to, but his uncouth words made her forget about everything else. Her mouth remained open when he bent down and kissed her on the side of her throat. He let go of her hands and roamed his hands over every inch of her body. She arched her back when his hands went near her nether regions. She grabbed his hair when the hands trailed down towards the back of her knees. He lined his erection against her entrance and took her hard and fast on the floor while she wrapped her legs around his waist, making him go deeper than before.

  “This feels so good, Russell,” she moaned loudly.

  He changed the angle of his thrusts to upwards and her eyes shot open when she felt him touching a particularly sensitive point that made her lose control of her own body. She screamed loudly at every new thrust and pulled his hair.

  “Just like that, my siren,” he said, his breath erratic. “I love this melody from your lips.”

  She screamed loudly and hurtled down the cliff towards the lake of bliss and contentment. She was close to her release and his words were the final push that made her scream so loudly and buck beneath him while he increased the ferocity of
his thrusts and released his seed with a shout of his own.

  They lay connected on the floor for a while, both of them breathing hard. She could stay like this forever in a cocoon of their love and so could he. She stirred beneath him and felt his member hardening again.

  “Are you tired, my siren?” he asked.

  “No,” she said enthusiastically.

  He stood up, still connected to her and ravaged her against a wall and every other hard surface he could find. They kept each other awake all night with their insatiable need for each other.

  They dozed off at one point and were woken when they heard shuffling of feet. Russell was the first to feel someone’s presence in his house and knew the servants he’d hired had arrived. He looked to the side where she lay naked in his arms and picked her up in a hurry. He ran towards the nearest bedroom and shut the door behind them. She opened her eyes when he was placing her down on the bed.

  “What is happening?” she asked groggily.

  “Good morning, my siren,” he whispered. “Nothing you need to worry about.”

  He joined her on the bed and spooned her from behind. When she did not go back to sleep, he made love to her slowly from behind until all their energy was replete and there was no other option, but to face the world and start their life in their house.


  Manchester, 1711

  Sitting in a garden chair, Russell looked from the paper he was holding towards the three-year-old boy with golden hair and blue eyes, followed by every maid in his house. Three years ago, Isabella had given birth to a son while Elliot became the father of a lovely little girl. Elliot doted on his daughter more than he had expected from a sophisticated and esteemed person like him.

  His son was running towards him on his small feet with a smile on his face. He put the paper to the side and picked up the child in his arms.

  “Little Simon will one day leave you behind with his mischievous behavior,” Isabella said from beside him and tickled their son on his tummy, making him giggle.

  Both of them had believed at one point that there was nothing in this world they would love more until they met their newly born son and he proved them wrong from his first cry.

  “If he did not achieve this feat, it would be an unfortunate turn of events.”

  They laughed together and Russell put down his son when he wiggled in his arms. As soon as his tiny feet touched the ground, he started running around once again while the servants chased him. The servants could easily outrun the child, but they were taking small steps while playing with Simon. Simon giggled and shrieked in happiness, thinking he was outrunning everyone else.

  “Simon will have a brother or sister in the coming winter,” Isabella said.

  It took him a moment to absorb the meaning of the words. He was going to be a father once again. The news was so joyous for him that he locked their lips in an urgent kiss without giving her time to know about his intent. And the news was so sudden that he did not realize he was kissing her until he felt the softness of her lips beneath his mouth.

  “I gather you are happy,” she chuckled against his mouth.

  “Immensely,” he said before taking her mouth in a passionate kiss once again.

  After years of marriage, they were still unconditionally in love with each other. If it was possible, their love was growing with every moment they spent with each other.

  They were still locked in a peaceful embrace when a servant interrupted them. He looked towards the letter in the outstretched hand of the servant.

  “This came for you, Master Simon.”

  He received the letter and sent the servant on his way. He turned the letter to look at the name of the sender, but there was no mention of anyone on the back of the letter. He opened the letter and shook when he read the contents.

  “What is it?”

  Isabella watched him read the contents of the letter while getting ashen. Whatever was in the letter was something he had never expected to see. She became more worried when he looked towards her with a horrified expression on his face.

  “Shane is in the Highlands and is in need of aid. My brother is calling me.”


  Nancy Wells

  Nancy Wells does not reside in one place for a long time. She has the soul of a gypsy and goes where the tides take her. At this moment, she is stuck with her postgrad in RS and GIS, but will be gone the moment she gets her hands on her degree.

  Writing has been a hobby and an outlet for expressing her feelings for long time, but on the suggestion of a close friend, she decided to publish her first piece and is keeping her fingers crossed for a positive response from the readers.

  Her background is in engineering and she is usually found with a screwdriver in hand and a broken appliance because she has no idea how to fix it. Yup, she is not a good engineer and no one should trust her with valuable electronics. ;)

  You can find Nancy on Twitter:

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Nancy Wells and Blushing Books!

  Love And Family

  Her Dream Prince - Book 1

  A Siren’s Melody - Book 2

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